Brian Wajda

Brian Wajda

  • Internship and Experiential Learning Coordinator
Email Address:
Office location:
The Aspire Center


Brian joined the Aspire team as the internship and experiential learning coordinator in February 2023. He graduated from Carthage College with a bachelor’s degree in communication in 2015. As a student, he had the opportunity to study abroad at The Jagiellonian University (Uniwersytet Jagielloński) in Kraków, Poland. After graduating from Carthage, he joined the Walt Disney World cast through the Disney College Program. Soon after the program, he spent a year teaching English in South Korea before attaining his master’s degree in higher education and student affairs.


  • B.A. — Communication, Carthage College
  • M.Ed. — Higher Education and Student Affairs, Salem State University

Main responsibilities at Carthage

  • Oversee various processes concerning internships, including attaining credit for internships and managing Experiential Learning Fund awards.
  • Provide oversight and coordination with on-campus student employment program.
  • Manages student professional development programs involved with experiential learning.